There are two ways you can control the commission rates you offer publishers (= affiliates):
1. You can set your default publisher commission
Your default publisher commission will be visible to publishers browsing the merchant overview or viewing your affiliate program page. This is is the default commission used for new collaborations with publishers.
- Navigate to your affiliate settings page through the sidemenu: Settings → Affiliate .
- Adjust the Publisher commission field in the Default commission settings section.
- Save the changes.
2. You can set the publisher commission for each publisher seperately
You may want to offer different publishers different commision rates. You can set the commission rate for each publisher seperately on the publisher page. Note that for active collaborations (where the publisher has already accepted your offer or vice versa) you can only increase the commission rate from the previously agreed upon rate.
- Open the publisher page forwhich you want to adjust the commission (or attribution period) by clicking on the publisher on the Publisher Overview or My Publishers page.
- Click on Edit commission/attribution period to open the settings popup window for this publisher.
- Edit the commission and/or attribution period values and click Save.
- That's it! Your new values will be used for future referral orders from this publisher.